Easy Fundraising
Easyfundraising partners with lots of online stores (ones you will recognise!) who will donate money to Friends of Claverdon Primary School when you shop with them – no additional charge to you. These brands pay commission to easyfundraising – which is turned into a donation.
Friends of Claverdon have already raised over £1000 in the last few years with only a few supporters – so the donations really do add up! See how much we have earnt here!
It is easy to do:
Step 1
Follow this link to sign up or use the sign up button below and create an account/login.
Step 2
Once you have an account, you can choose to shop via a browser or on your phone. If you are shopping through a browser, download the browser extension. This will remind you whenever you are on a website that will donate. If you are shopping on your phone or tablet, you can install the app (available on apple or android). Apple also have a donation reminder you can install in safari!
Step 3
enable the donation when the pop-up reminds you
Step 4
Watch your donations grow!