In this newsletter
The Great Easter Challenge

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part in The Great Easter Challenge! We are delighted to share that the challenge raised a huge £2967 for our school! There were some amazing challenges taking place over the Easter holidays and we are very grateful to all the children, their supportive parents and all the sponsors for taking part.
This was the first time we added gift aid to a fundraiser which allowed us to add an additional £271.50 amount to the donations. What's more - the final amount raised was then match-funded which meant we reached almost £3000 in final donations. Amazing!
A big thank you to Vicky for taking on organising this challenge, and for arranging the match funding.
The 100 Club

We'd like to take this opportunity to announce The 100 Club winners for April. First place took home £31.50 and second place - in their second month in the competition - won £10.50. This round raised £42 in funds towards the school.
In total this half-term The 100 Club has awarded £84 in prizes and £84 in money towards the school. A big thank you to everyone for taking part!
You can join The 100 Club at anytime - and it's not too late to be included in the June draw. All information is available online here, including how to register.
Cake and uniform sale

Thank you to Year 2 and 3 for all the cake donations on the last day of last term, and to everyone who helped out at the event too. A big thank you to Mrs Bowden-Williams and the children of Year 4 who sorted through and organised all the second hand uniform - you did a brilliant job!
Along with the uniform sale this event raised a total of £235.65 for the school.
We'll keep you updated on the date for the next cake sale... coming soon! Remember that we're only accepting donations of good quality branded uniform now. Big thanks to Cheryl who has been sorting through donations.
Claverdon School Disco

We're all still on a high after the disco this week - we hope the children all had a brilliant time! We saw some awesome moves on the dancefloor... and that was just the adults!
A big thank you to everyone who helped with this event - especially Alex who couldn't have done a better job in her first year running the event! There's a lot of effort that goes on behind the scenes running these events but I think we can all agree it's worth it when we see how much fun the children have on the night. Lots of happy memories made we're sure!
We're delighted to announce that the disco made £588 in total - all of this money will go directly towards our school. Thank you everyone!
In addition to our fundraising events, you can help raise money for our school via the ongoing fundraisers, including EasyFundraising and Stikins name labels. Visit the website here for more information.
FREE Stikins name labels

Yesterday we shared the news that Stikins have offered to gift all Claverdon School pupils 5 FREE name labels each. As the orders will be collected and distributed by school it's really easy to claim your labels - just fill in the form online and you'll receive the labels in your child's bag when they arrive.
We'd like to take this opportunity to remind parents that when they purchase online at www.stikins.co.uk Claverdon School will receive 30% commission on each order. Just enter the code 4537 online or visit our website here for more information.
Upcoming projects supported by your donations
Let's Go Zero... introducing solar power to Claverdon Primary School

Claverdon Primary School is facing rising energy costs, a challenge that resonates with many families. Representatives from the school, its governing body, and Friends of Claverdon are actively seeking sustainable solutions. We're excited to announce our recent partnership with "Let's Go Zero," an organisation dedicated to helping schools achieve carbon zero by 2030. Beyond the financial benefits, there's an opportunity for our pupils to gain a tangible understanding of what being sustainable means, and why this is important for our future - not just as a school but on a global scale.
"Let’s Go Zero is a national campaign uniting teachers, pupils, parents and their schools as they all work together to be zero carbon by 2030."
There are lots of options to consider, solar power looks most promising as a starting point. We've already received quotes from solar companies, and funding will be sourced from various channels including the school budget, contributions from Friends of Claverdon fundraising, and grant applications. Watch this space as this exciting project develops.
Purchase of Chromebooks for our school
In our last newsletter we shared the news that along with the school, we were funding the purchase of 30 brand new Chromebooks for the children to use. These have been funded 50% by Friends of Claverdon and 50% by the school. We've just had word that these have now arrived in school and that the Digital Ambassadors have unpacked, logged and moved them into the computer trolley ready for use.
This couldn't have happened without your generosity and support over the last couple of years so thank you from all of us for taking part in events, sponsoring your children and buying all those cakes!
In line with our environmental policy, the old computers will be given to a speciality recycling company who will dispose of the computers in an environmentally conscious way and provide Claverdon School with a digital certification to certify that they have been disposed of in a way that adheres to environmental standards and proper data destruction.
In June next year Claverdon School and Friends of Claverdon will embark on another project to replace the second set of computers which are due to be replaced next Summer. This will follow a similar process - we will keep you updated once this is up and running.
Other ways your donations are being used by school
In the last newsletter we mentioned that Mrs White was embarking on a project to renew the RE resources. We'll update you shortly with how this is going. We're also setting aside a budget for giving the school garden a makeover - we've got a team ready to go and will share how this is coming along. Following the successful renovation of the school library last year, Friends of Claverdon have also made an ongoing commitment to finance the library software for another year - we know how much the children love scanning those books in and out!
Finally, Friends of Claverdon will be making a donation to the Year 6 leavers party next month - we hope they have an amazing night!
Donation of time... and talents!
We want to say a really big thank you to the parents and carers who have volunteered to support lunchtime playground supervision. This has been a big ask, and is quite a commitment on a regular basis. Volunteers have not only given their time but have really engaged with the children - from skipping games to planting seeds! Thank you for supporting our children.
What's coming up next half-term
On Monday 3rd June - the first day back after half term - we will be hosting the Summer term catch-up at The Durham Ox, Shrewley. Everyone is welcome - parents, teachers and carers. Read more about this here.
On Wednesday 12th June there will be a Bag2School collection for your second hand clothing and other item. Thank you to Flora for organising all the collections. You can find out more by visiting the website here and clicking on the 'Bag2School' tab.
The gift shop will be returning for Father's Day on Friday 14th June. We'll send reminders nearer the time but in the meantime please let us know if you can help wrap or help on the day. Thank you to Jules and the team for taking this on. More information about the gift shop is on the website here.
Finally, we are delighted to announce that the Summer Fayre will be making a comeback after sports day on Friday 5th July. The event is currently in the planning stages - more information (and request for volunteers!) to follow soon!
Claverdon Fun Run 2024

We sent a message a couple of weeks ago with a plea to help us arrange our very first Claverdon Fun Run! We are pleased to announce that we now have a working group organising this event and we can't wait to share more information with you all very soon! This is set to be a brilliant event for our school community and we'd love your support. Stay tuned!
How you can get involved

We’re always looking for help and volunteers for various Friends of Claverdon project. If you would like to get involved you’d be very welcome - and your support would be very much appreciated!
Drop your class rep a message or visit www.friendsofclaverdon.org/contactus to send us a message.Â