Happy New Year and welcome back!
Please join us on Friday 7th February, 1.30pm @ Claverdon Primary School for a New Year catch-up focussing on plans for the remainder of the school year, and taking a quick look back at the Christmas events and activities.
As always, we welcome your feedback, suggestions and opinions.
More information about what will be discussed will be available below, but feel free to drop us a message online or via email at pta-claverdonschool@outlook.com if you can't make the meeting but have suggestions or feedback.
Can you make it?
Yes, I can come!
I can't make it this time.
Welcome  |
Apologies/Present  |
Treasurers update |
Priorities for spending in the next 12 months  Grant formsÂ
Ongoing fundraisersÂ
Events (plan for working parties for each event)  FeedbackÂ
Brainstorming ideas for spring/Summer termÂ
 Ideas for next school year:Â
Next Meeting Friday 23rd May 1330 (school) |
Minutes will be available here after the meeting